#StopBarossaGas – Santos’ proposed Barossa project could be one of the dirtiest gas projects in the world. Help us stop this project – take action today! #auspol #StopEcocide #FundOurFutureNotGas #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #SDG13

Together we can protect livelihoods, sea creatures and the climate from one of the world’s dirtiest gas projects.

Will you join us? #StopBarossaGas

Our planet can’t afford another huge gas development

Santos plans to develop the Barossa gas field in pristine waters north of the Tiwi Islands in the Northern Territory, Australia. If they succeed, it will be the dirtiest offshore gas project in Australia, possibly the world.

When the Barossa gas is extracted, developed and burned, it would release 15.6 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually. That’s more than three million passenger cars for each year the project operates. 


The project would also put pristine marine life at grave risk. The pipeline connecting the Barossa gas field to land would run through a protected marine park and along the entire length of one of the Tiwi Islands – Bathurst Island. 


The construction of the pipeline poses a major threat to turtle hatchlings and nesting beaches, involving extensive seabed disturbance, dredging, increased shipping and helicopter movements over the islands and significant noise and light pollution.

Santos’ motive? Profit – at the expense of everyone else. 

Below: children at the Cairns Climate Strike yesterday with a message to adults.

— Read on stopbarossagas.org/

This is our chance to #StopBarossaGas

Despite describing itself as an ‘eco-friendly energy company, the Korean energy giant SK E&S has teamed up with Santos to make the Barossa project a reality. They currently own more than a third of the project. 


By putting pressure on SK E&S to back out of the Barossa project, we can put the financial viability of the project at risk. 

So far, more than 1400 people have told SK E&S to cut all ties with Barossa.

Will you be next?

NT traditional owners take legal action over Santos’s Barossa gas project north of Darwin

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The Global Climate Crimes Project

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